IMPORTANT: Enhancement Millage Renewal

Hello everyone,
I wanted to bring to your attention that there is a very important millage renewal for our school district on the ballot this November 3rd, 2020. This is a county-wide millage that has supported our school district for the last four years with over $300 per student per year. It has been essential for us and our support for our students. And it is up for a renewal vote. Below is information about the proposal. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions.
1. What is the regional enhancement millage renewal proposal?
The regional enhancement millage proposal is a renewal request to voters to continue a current 2 mill property tax, first passed in 2016, that will generate revenue for all 33 Wayne County public school districts as well as public school academies in Wayne County. The enhancement millage means every Wayne County public school district and public school academy can maintain key programs that help kids learn, achieve, and compete for jobs.
2. When will the proposal appear?
The renewal will appear on the Nov. 3, 2020, ballot. It is a 6-year proposal which will continue the
current millage that expires in the fall of 2022.
3. How have school districts used the regional enhancement millage?
School districts delivered on their promises over the past four years since this millage was first approved in 2016. Because of the enhancement millage, districts have been able to improve schools in a variety of ways, including lowering class sizes, improving technology and security, adding valuable STEM and career education programs, making facility improvements and attracting talented teachers. The current regional enhancement millage is providing schools with resources that would otherwise not be available to help address new costs related to the current health crisis and a safe return to school for both online and in-school instruction.
4. How much will the proposal cost homeowners?
It is not a tax increase. The millage would be renewed at its current rate and will continue to cost the average Wayne County homeowner less than $8 per month, with 100% of funds going to Wayne County public schools and public school academies so they can keep schools safe, and improve programs and services for students.
5. How will school districts be held accountable for this proposal?
Wayne County’s public school districts have been fiscally responsible stewards of the enhancement millage for the past four years, and the funding provided by this renewal will continue to be spent wisely and transparently. If passed, this renewal will continue to undergo independent audits and all spending will be tracked on a public website to ensure tax dollars are being spent transparently and with accountability.
6. Why is this proposal necessary?
The Wayne RESA enhancement millage has provided critical financial support for local districts faced with state budget cuts – allowing them to promote safety, prepare students for jobs and provide world-class programming for both special education and general education students.
The millage renewal allows public schools to support all Wayne County students and give them the opportunity to succeed, especially our most at-risk populations, including students with disabilities.
7. Why is Wayne RESA requesting this millage renewal?
By law, only Wayne RESA can ask voters to renew the regional enhancement millage. Wayne RESA is Wayne County’s constitutionally required intermediate school system, in place to support local school districts in a variety of ways. The millage is not for the intermediate school system, but for every local school system across the county.
8. How much funding will my school district receive?
Every penny generated from this proposal will be distributed on a per-student basis to local school
districts and public school academies to help keep schools safe and improve programs for Wayne
County students. We estimate this will be approximately $300 per student. The renewal will generate revenue for all 33 Wayne County public school district as well as for public school academies in Wayne County.
9. What impact will this proposal have on kids in my school district or community?
This millage renewal will allow Wayne County public schools and public school academies to lower class sizes, expand technology and STEM programs, and a variety of other very necessary services that would not be available except for the added funding this renewal provides.
10. Why is this renewal important?
Strong schools help make Wayne County a great place to live, raise a family, work or launch a business. Strengthening our schools supports our future workforce, which will help attract new families, businesses and talent to Wayne County.
11. Where can I learn more about this proposal?
Visit to learn more about the regional enhancement millage renewal proposal.